Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 2

I woke up bright and early at 7:45am and Heather and I went off to run some errands in the village. Everyone seems to think that I know Spanish! With my Asian looks, I seem to be blending in quite well with the indigenous people! I can't wait to learn Spanish so I can start communicating a little and stop giving out blank stares!

I did have my first Spanish lesson for 1/2 hour. I learned some basic greetings and the numbers up to 10. :)

We also visited a small cafe tonight and the barista was an adorable 13 year old boy who wants to compete in a barista competition! He was so cute! We tried so hard to communicate with each other but again, more blank stares. I definately want to go back soon...once my Spanish gets better!

Mynor, the soon to be barista champion!

So, did you know that it can hail in Guatemala? Well it did today for about an hour! And it was loud! Unfortunately, the roof of our house is also leaky, so we had to put towels everywhere to prevent flooding! Thankfully it didn't rain for too long, otherwise we would have had some major puddles in the house!

Buenas noches!


  1. Amy you got to show him some of your moves!
    And where are some pictures? We need some pictures! iPhone, Canon, I don't care. :)
    We are all very envious here at the office. Have fun.

  2. you're going to learn Spanish so quickly!
