Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 18 - 23

It's been a really good past few days! Here's a quite update: Last week we worked on the land again and they started building the first bag above ground! They have been moving so fast with this whole process....I think the whole house will be built in the next few weeks!

I also went to Lake Atitlan for the weekend with my fellow housemates! It was a very relaxing weekend of eating, drinking, sitting and sleeping. :) San Pedro (the town were we were at) is a cute little party town and has a total beachy feel to it. It was so relaxing! And drinks are cheap! $2 for a mojito! Gimme 3 please! :)

This morning, we went to an elementary school in Tecpán to invite the kids to help us create eco-bricks for the children's village! Eco-bricks are plastic bottles filled with plastic bags! It's an amazing idea to get the kids to start recycling! The kids all got so excited that they can help out with building the children's village! When we told them that this will be a village for abandoned kids, one girl came up to us and told us that her cousin was abandoned. It was very touching....and gives them a bigger incentive to help us out since they are very aware of the situation.

Tomorrow we are organizing a "Family Day" on the land. We have asked all the local workers to invite their kids and their wives so they can learn more about what their dad is doing! We have organized many activities for the kids including making clay hearts with the same soil that is used to build the houses, planting cilantro seeds into a bamboo "pot", a quick lesson on the Mayan culture, teaching them about the eco-bricks and of course, snacks!!! I'm pretty excited, it will be an amazing stay tuned for pictures to come!!

The clay hearts that we are going to have the kids make for Father's Day!

A local roaster in San Pedro, Lake Atitlan!

My fellow volunteering housemates, Parker, Calum and Kate, enjoying drinks at Buddha Bar for hours.....yum!

Amazing kids.... :)

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