Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 38 & 39

The last few days has been busy just catching up with everything (so much happens in a week here!) and today I went to the land for the first time in almost 2 weeks! Before I left for Toronto, the height of the walls were just about my height and now they are waaay taller than me! In fact, they finished all the outer walls!! Crazy how fast things are moving!

I also got a sweet new office with an amazing view...check it out in my photos below!

Tonight we invited our friends, Nicoletta and her kids over for dinner because it was the birthdays of two of the boys! Remember Wilson? It was his bday! They're so smiley and sweet.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Amy! Sounds like you're still experiencing lots and growing even more. Take care! We're still praying for you...
